Thursday, October 30, 2008

Election madness

On my way to class Tuesday morning, my drive was an interesting one. I had to change lanes to go around this big truck that was pulled over to the side of the road with it's hazard lights flashing. Then in my rearview mirror I see this guy jump out of the truck, run over to the side of the road and full on kick the McCain/Palin sign stuck in the ground. Then, evidently pleased with his childish actions, he jumped back in the truck and sped away. hmm.

Then, I've been hearing the talk and getting the crazy forwards from those who are speculating that Barak Obama is actually the antichrist. I'm pretty sure that having a Muslim name, friends who are Muslims, and being a the favored candidate by some in Muslim areas of the world automatically means he's evil to the core...especially in today's naive and narrow thinking that anything Muslim is associated with all things evil. Well, for any of you who know me, you know how I feel about that.

So, a kind reminder to all my fellow American citizens....let's not be haters this election; let's not act like children. But let's vote responsibly and with integrity.