Thursday, January 08, 2009

A homeless wanderer once again

I finished the book Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. And, as I usually shun pop culture out of a bit of a rebelliousness in my heart, I actually enjoyed this book along with the others who have raved about it. It is one woman's journey, physically, emotionally and spiritually after a brutal divorce. I don't see eye-to-eye with her on everything but it was enjoyable and encouraged me to continue to live my own life to the fullest and not according to how others perceive it should be lived. the first section of the book she has a discussion with an Italian man about The Word that would sum her up. If she could be described in one word, what would it be. She comes to her own word at the end of the book (which you'll have to read yourself to discover) but I found this concept intriguing. If I could be summed up in one word, what would it be?

I may have to give it more depth of thought but what immediately came to my mind is the word SOJOURNER. I've always been drawn to this word because it's not someone who just travels but one who journeys with a purpose. I believe that my journey in life is one with purpose. Also, I believe that on this side of heaven, I will continue to sojourn. I have not found my true home yet. Therefore, I will be a sojourner even if I do have a permanent address.

But, I begin my physical journey once again. I drove up from West Chicago yesterday to my grandparents' house in northern Minnesota to again shove my small pile of earthly belongings in its place under the stairs in their basement and begin the transition process of heading back overseas. I admit, there is a part of me that increases as I get older that really longs to have a place of my own to call "home." It's been a small dream over the past few years to acquire a place (maybe a townhome or something so someone else can do my yardwork) that I could live in when I come back from overseas. I could rent it out to someone while I'm gone, but know I had a place to stay when I came back. But, that's part of the sojourning adventure. And so many have taken me in, given me a guest bedroom for a night, a week or more. I have friends all over the globe and a lot of physical places I could call "home." Even so, the uprooting and the transition does take its toll on me. Especially when I look around at my friends buying homes, having their second child, involved in their community and church. But, a friend of mine once said, "Know what you are called to so you know what to say no to." I know that I'm not called to unpack my suitcase just yet.

So, once again, my email address and my blog are about the only permanent address I actually have! Stay connected with me here because even though I'm in and out, I still love to hear from friends and be a part of your lives.

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