Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

I'm gradually making my way back overseas again and saying plenty of goodbyes along the way. I spent a few days in Scotland getting in as many conversations as I could with people, grabbing the few things that I left there and soaking up the things I enjoy about that place. I'm so thankful for my time there to rest, pray, process and just be. The people at the Scotland base welcomed me with open arms and created a space for me to heal and spend time with God.

My first morning I went to get a cup of coffee and a scone at a local place and then walked along the beach. It's a bit hard to see in this photo above, but the Isle of Arran is in the distance, but all you could see was the snow covered peaks of the island and it was perfectly framed by the clouds. It was so beautiful and I took this photo with my camera phone because my nice camera has a dead battery and the charger is still in Af-stan.

It was hard saying goodbye to my family. It almost felt that if I stayed that we could stay in this incubated period of mourning my grandpa's death, but leaving was like saying "I'm moving on with my life." The emotions of it is struck me more than I was anticipating. The next time I return home (wherever home really is any more), it will be a very different place.

On a positive note, I've enjoyed the phase of being Auntie Danika to Bella, my brother and sister-in-law's daughter and their new daughter they are expecting in May. I managed to make two blankets while I was home, one for each girl and went on a bit of a shopping spree for new clothes for the girls. I only wish I was going to be home when Alexee is born! Here are some photos of the blankets:

for Princess Bella:

A pink blanket for a pink-loving princess.

and for baby Alexee:

She's been a very active little one so I found it fitting that I found a pattern for a monkey blanket. It was a bit more work than I expected being that it was color-work and it's two-sided. But, I'm very happy with the way it turned out and was so happy to be able to give these to Bella and Rachael before I left.

Goodbyes never get easier, in all their forms. You would think in my line of work where people are constantly in and out of my life, I'd get used to it or find better ways of dealing with all the emotions that come with saying goodbye. Yet, I suppose it's a good thing that it's hard to say goodbye because it means you love and are loved.


Unknown said...

Wow, nice blankets!

Kathy said...

You are super talented - which I already knew, but now I know it in a new way! Love the blankets! You are an uber-blanket-creator!