Sunday, December 26, 2010

Unto us a Child is Born

In my School of Biblical Studies, we finished with the book of Matthew. Prior to that, we had spent 6 months going through the Old Testament. The book of Matthew is FILLED with Old Testament scriptures and prophecies that are fulfilled through the coming of Jesus. Many times studying the Old Testament I had moments where I thought, "Man, I miss Jesus!"...then we'd study passages in places like Isaiah and he seemed to jump out of the pages. All of the OT is in anticipation of Jesus.

The Christmas story is something that we can dull our hearts to. I know I have. This year it took on a new reality. When I was finishing my school, we read the book of Matthew outloud and i got to chapter four when it says Jesus went out preaching "Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand." I used to listen to that phrase as a harsh statement kind of like that "turn and burn" type preaching. But as I read this outloud this time, tears welled up in my eyes. The kingdom of God was made available because Jesus came as human being. Until then, it was a shadow, it was a distant reality and something that men fell into sin because of their impatience to wait for it and hope for it.

The kingdom of God, the place of acceptance and love and hope and peace, it's available only because the supreme ruler, creator and magnificent and all powerful God of the universe became a child. He suffered human maladies, limited himself to the human body and experience, and suffered death and rejection by the very people he came to save.

Christmas...what a beautiful event. Our God, became one of us, so that we could be with him. Such a simple truth, and yet such a profound one. I hope each one of you takes a moment to meditate on the meaning of this holiday and the implications for your own life. Allow truth be be profound in your own life and stir your heart.

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