Saturday, February 10, 2007

What do you think?

Here are a few quotes in some books I was reading this summer that really struck me. I'm not offering my thoughts (so as not to influence) but would love to hear some of yours!

I leave on Monday...prayer would be appreciated. (particularly, I need a miracle for my finances right now.)

"Missionary work is a grain of sand, the work untouched is a pyramid....Face it. Look and listen, alone with God. Then go, let go, help go. But never, never, never think that anything short of this is being 'interested in missions.' Never, until this point is reached and passed, delude yourself into believing that you care at all."
from A Chance to Die, by Elizabeth Eliot (biography of Amy Carmichael)

"...But we must remember that it was not by interceding for the world in glory that Jesus saved it. He gave Himself. Our prayers for the evangelization of the world are but a bitter irony so long as we only give of our superfluity and draw back before the sacrafice of ourselves."
from On the Threshold of C. Africa, by M. Coiland

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I meant to respond to this awhile ago. I have many thoughts in regards to these. I actually had acrisis of faith of sorts in regards to these very topics.
I was in a position where physically I was in need of A LOT of help. I was surrounded by fact, by Christians who claim that their desire is to be in missions. (Actually, it was on a missions trip.) I heard people say time and time again that they felt for me and that they were praying for me and hoping for my recovery, and yet I was unable to get help for things as simple as carrying a bag, slowing down so I could keep up, or even just coming to talk to me when I was too weak to leave my room. The more the simplest opportunities to help were neglected, the less their words meant to me. These experiences (among others) have helped me realize that when we stop short of fully giving ourselves, we do a great disservice to the people we seek to serve.
I have many more thoughts on this subject (far too many to post here) and would love to hear yours. Feel free to email me sometime.
Much love & God bless.
Jen Nelson