Tuesday, March 06, 2007


I found out this morning that I GOT AWARDED MY SCHOLARSHIP TO WHEATON COLLEGE!!!!! I'm so excited. :) It's a full-tuition scholarship that functions as a loan. So, for every year I'm on the field after school, they forgive 25% of the loan. So basically, school is paid for by spending 4 years on the field, which is what I was planning on doing anyways. I was so in need of good news.

I moved into our new house yesterday. It's very nice but has it's typical new-house problems that all new houses have here. Our doors and windows don't all close because the winter has shifted the house already. The water pump is broken so sometimes we don't have any water. And we don't have a generator yet so the electricity comes and goes. I kinda feel like I'm camping.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Congratulations! That is great news, dear! Too bad they can't back track and take the last couple years and apply them...but hey, God's got that all worked out.

As far as camping goes, can you build a fire in the family room to keep warm? The refugees here in Denver hunt squirrels in the city and were making fires in their family rooms until they were educated otherwise...

Praying for you!