Friday, January 11, 2008

Re-visioned, re-fueled!

This has been a fantastic week of connecting with what God is doing in YWAM and being a part of seeing his purposes come to fulfillment at least in one small part of the world. I am so excited to be a part of this organization, this tribe, as we often call it...because it's not so much an organization as it is a group of people. I couldn't see myself doing anything else!

So, in the middle of lunch meetings and leading intercession times and connecting with leaders, we've gotten to get out and see some neat stuff around the island. We went to the Hilton to see the dolphins that they have there. It was the most palatial
hotel I've ever seen! And it cost $7 just to get a hotdog at the little cafe. I can't imagine what the rooms ran for.

This is me and a teammate of mine, Sarah and her daughter Kaiya

We spent some time this morning at a black sand beach a ways out of town from us. It was beautiful. My skin is seeing the sun after a LONG hibernation!

Then, a family that is doing their DTS at the base here owns a coffee plantation. So, they invited us up to hang out and get a tour of the place. These are pictures from our time there:

These are coffee trees in the center of the picture here. This family owns 38.5 acres of coffee trees.

These are coffee beans! They are actually a cherry fruit and if you bite into them inside are two seeds...the actual coffee beans. They go through a process to remove the sticky substance around the outside of the bean. Peaberry coffee is a smaller bean and you will only find a single bean inside the cherry for this type of coffee.

Here, the coffee beans are spread out to dry in the sun. They then get sent down the road to be roasted. It was fascinating to see how they do everything from start to finish. And being a huge fan of Kona coffee, this was nearly like an Elvis fan making it to Graceland once in their life. I was pretty darn excited. And yes, I bought some to bring home!

Fresh avacados! We're making guacamole tomorrow!

What a blessing this trip has been...refreshing in many ways but I think the greatest gift this time has given me is a realignment with the mission and excitement over what I feel God is calling me to. I want to continue to put one foot in front of the other in obedience and see where he takes me through this journey. I have to admit, I will probably find myself back in this place sometime. Some of the leadership extended an invitation to me any time I'd like to come. My heart of course is in Asia but who knows what future relationships God will cement in my life because of this time in Kona. It's a blessing.

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