Monday, May 19, 2008


I just got over a nice little stomach bug. It seems like that is an essential part of re-entry to this place. Fun times.

This week I'm not going to the village because I have friends in town I still need to visit, and I want to see what's going on around my office.

It is WARM here! yikes. And summer is only beginning to set in. My thermometer in my room got down to a low 88 last night but during the day is about 98-ish. That is inside, out of the sun. I'm guessing that it's up over 100 in the sun. Let me tell you, watermelon has never tasted as good as it does here on a hot day, with long sleeves and a blanket wrapped around my head.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I definitely know what the heat is like! I remember the first time I saw our indoor temp at 98--but I didn't have to wear a burka outside. Wow! For me, it's not the watermelon that hits the spot. Fresh, cold mangoes are the best!