Sunday, June 22, 2008

Greetings from Kyrgyzstan!

Well, well, well....
It's been a long while since I've posted a blog.
I'm writing from BEAUTIFUL lake Issik-kol where the mountains are tall, the lake cold (despite the fact that it's name means 'hot lake'), and the Russian pop music at the disco rings loud and clear every evening.

Our meeting times here have been wonderfully refreshing. I have missed meetings with my "company" where worship is more than just standing and singing. Worship for us is interactive and spontaneous and cultural and absolutely a beautiful expression of our relationship with a living God. I've missed these times so much and every moment with my fellow brothers and sisters has been wonderful.

I wanted to add some fun things in addition to the email update I just sent out. Here's some fun events that have happened over the last week:

--My first night here I got eaten alive by mosquitos!! I woke up the next morning to my roommate asking me if I wanted to shower first. I turned and looked at her and said, no, you go first." She looked back and me and said, "what? Why that look on your face" I reached up my hand and touched my eye that was nearly swollen shut after getting bit by a mosquito on my eye lid. She thought I was winking at her or giving her "the eye!" So, there went my chances at meeting any goodlooking guys at the conference! I mean, the Quazi-Moto (sp?) look is attractive, but it's not a look I'm going for. Thankfully, my eye is back to it's normal, non-droopy, open self.

--We ran out of toilet paper a few days ago. (and I use the word toilet paper lightly, it's more like a wide roll of grey colored streamers that you use for birthday parties). When we asked the hotel staff for more toilet paper, they looked at us like I was crazy and adamantly said, "NO! You only get ONE roll!" (and this is for a week and a half, for three girls!) Another person kindly gave us a roll from their personal stash.

--We have had oatmeal to eat at every single meal and the meat and potatoes just take on a different form for each meal, sometimes mashed, sometimes boiled, sometimes in meatballs. So, there really is a LOT of variety. And I'm not taking a break in my carb diet that I had from Afghanistan.

--and in honor of my friend who keeps posting pictures of the food she is eating in Germany I am adding my own food pictures to make you jealous:


Anonymous said...

Uh, what is that?


Danika said...

smoked fish

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the shout out on the food photos! But next time take the pic BEFORE you eat it all!