Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Return from Amsterdam

Though I had intended to blog more while I was in Amsterdam, not blogging meant more time with my team. We had a great time together learning, hanging out, praying for each other and just getting to know one another. I am very excited for the group of people that will be serving in our location and believe that God has brought a great mix of gifts and abilities to the team. I wish I had a picture of all of us but it was such a busy week, we didn't even stop to photograph us all!

It was great to be back with those serving in my same organization. Throughout this week I was able to learn from others with a wealth of experience and wisdom. We ended the conference with some great interactive intercession/prayer that is often a part of Y's ethos. (and fyi...in future posts I will be using Y to represent my organization as I'm needed to keep things a bit more secure online. Thanks for understanding!) So, we prayed over maps, kneeled before the cross, jumped into the "river," or lit a candle to represent in the physical things that we were engaging in in the spiritual. It was an evening full of blessing and worship.

I really enjoyed being able to experience Amsterdam beyond the Schiphol airport! I have flown through so many times but didn't realize what a great city lay beyond. I would recommend a visit to anyone who hasn't been able to come through yet. I was able to enjoy some great cafes, wonderful food, the Van Gogh museum, Anne Frank's house and walking along the canals. The photo above is of the pancakes for which the dutch are famous for...as they should be. They were fantastic and I will never think of pancakes the same way again. Yum.

Well, I'm back in Wheaton and am on the countdown until I head back overseas. I will be in the country for about 3 weeks more.

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