Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Chicago getaway

This last weekend I had a beautiful gift of a plane ticket out to see some good friends. I was so happy to be able to travel out and see Sasha and Beth and catch up on life and everything else. It was a quick trip...I stayed 2 nights, but I was able to see where both these beautiful and wonderful women are living and where post-grad school life has taken them.

Saturday we managed to cram in breakfast downtown, a stroll through the Art Institute (free all February for those who want to go!), a little shopping, coffee, a Valentines' comedy sketch (pretty hilarious...people send in their breakup letters, texts, voice mails, etc, and they turn it into a show once a year. Very cathartic for the broken-hearted or single at Valentines' Day), and my dear birthday buddy Sasha (her birthday is 2 days before mine) made me tiramisu early morning the day I arrived which we took spoons to in Beth's apartment and finished off the next day.

Sunday was a day for church downtown and another coffee shop and then off to the suburbs to hang out at Sasha's, pray for the people she's been interacting with and enjoy a wonderful homemade dinner. Later that evening, a Turkish friend of hers called concerned about a bump her baby boy had taken to the head. We went over and I immediately felt at home....cushions on the floor, tv blaring, vibrant curtains and plaques of Mecca and passages from the Qu'ran on the wall. The kids ran around and the tired mother talked and asked me questions about not being married and such. I felt instantly back in Central Asia...and I loved it! The next day we stopped by to see how the little boy was doing and the woman had made an Uzbek rice dish I LOVE and homemade bread and green tea. Delish! If I moved back to the US, I would be her neighbor!

I'm so, so, so thankful for friends that are willing to stay connected despite the distance and love moments like these where I can descend into peoples' lives and share our hearts, our prayers and a few laughs together. These ladies are the best valentines a girl could have!


Unknown said...

Sasha Brady likes this.

Leslie said...

In case you were wondering, I would TOTALLY send you a ticket to come visit me if I could. But I'm glad you could visit with Sasha and Beth. Maybe one day we'll be in the same country at the same time again and we'll get to visit? :)