Saturday, October 08, 2011

Countdown to the USA!!!

With all the mediums of technology to communicate through these days email, blogs, twitter, Facebook, etc, it still means you have to sit down and actually tap out the letters on the keyboard or screen and send it off to everyone.

Right now I'm in the process of switching over all my email updates to a newsletter email program so that I can send photos and nice looking updates without the hassle or sending ginormous attachments. This process is taking longer than I thought because I realized half the addresses I have are outdated, life here in Taiwan is quite busy at the moment, and it takes more motivation than I seem to have to sit down and work through all this.....
but it's coming soon!!!!
(and if you want my new and shiny updates, I'd LOVE for you to send me a current email that you actually check!)

And not only are my emails coming, but SO AM I!!!! to Minnesota and Colorado, and soon.

I'm taking about 3.5 weeks in the States for some rest and rejuvenation and reconnection with people because I will be working with Titus Project here in January (this will be included in said newsletter when it makes it's way to you!). I'm mixing it up with my visit home in that this time I'll be primarily at my mom's house in Mankato and therefore more in the area of the Twin Cities and southern MN. If you are reading this and you are near that area, I SERIOUSLY would love to see you. I'm really missing friends and family from back home and don't want people to feel shy about finding me (did you know I am an's true! I miss people a lot). I'll be home from Nov. 7-Dec. 2.

AND>>>> I'm also going to be in Colorado from Nov. 10 or 11 to 17. I'm flying into Denver and will also be visiting Ft. again, I'd love to see you.

For both locations I'm not sure what the transportation situation will look like so if we get together, I'll make you a deal....I'll fly across the ocean, and then you can drive to meet me the rest of the way, sounds good?!

Before I head home I'm teaching the books of Jeremiah and Lamentations in the SBS here. For those of you who may not know this fun fact, Jeremiah is the second longest book in the Bible (Psalms is the first) so I've been spending a lot of hours pouring through the text and being very challenged by the life and message of this prophet. Take time to pray for me and for the students that will be studying this book. I teach three days: Oct. 31, Nov. 2, 4.

Well....I hope you enjoyed what is basically an email update in blog format. Just killing two birds with one stone. Next blog update will be more fun-filled and hopefully include some photos.

Oh yeah, and the countdown: 29 DAYS!!!!!

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