Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Visiting Basil in Taiwan

Well, friends, in response to the floods of emails and messages on facebook, I was going to give you a little update on my trip to Taiwan to visit Basil. I was able to get away from work for a week and visit. I stayed with some other girls working with my same organization at the base there in Taiwan. However, I have to admit, most of my time was spent with one person....

Taiwan is beautiful, especially when coming from the deserts of central Asia! We had a chance to go to the beach, cruise around the city on Basil's moto, hike one of the nearby peaks, spend some time in Taipei, sit at starbucks, and just spend some quality time together. It was great to be able just to see Basil's life in Taiwan, meet his friends and roommates and be in the midst of the places he spends his time. So, he's seen A-land and now I've gotten to see Taiwan.

This week was a real blessing...thanks for all of you who expressed your excitement and your support and your prayers for us. We are both very excited about this season and the way God has brought us together. The week FLEW by but I'm so thankful for the time we were able to hang out. I'll continue to keep you posted! ;)

Here are some more photos from the week:

The ferris wheel...on the top of which we took the above picture of the two of us. The view of the city was fantastic!

A typical scene of the streets of Taiwan.

The view from the top of the hill we climbed. Unfortunately it was a little hazy but it was still beautiful!

Driving around on the moto.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you two had a great time! -jaemey

dana said...

Yay!! Sooo glad you had such a great time! You were in my dreams this week as I traveled to Europe (not A-land or Taiwan) to see you and meet Basil only to realize as soon as I arrived that I was 37 weeks pregnant and could literally give birth any day. Thankfully, I made it home safely and heartily approved of Basil before I woke up! Love you!