Tuesday, November 10, 2009

To the depths of the well

Burnout comes when you come into a higher level of responsibility and haven’t tapped into the corresponding revelation of God.

This week I am sitting in on the lectures for the School of Frontier Missions here. The speaker is sharing on Member Care.

Today she made the above comment and it hit me straight to the heart. I felt this resonate in relation to the wall of burnout that I have encountered myself. She had us take some time to seek God as to the challenge in front of us and what God wants to say about who he is in response to it.

So, the following is the picture I received:

The challenge:
I am standing at a well of water. In my hands are a bucket and in front of me is a crowd of people waiting for water. I have been giving water out, quite energetically for quite some time. The well was brimming full and many people have received water as they came.

Over time, I noticed the well was starting to diminish. However, I didn’t think much of it as there was still plenty of water every time I dropped the bucket down into it.

Now, I’m at a point where the bucket and the rope it is attached to is barely reaching the surface of the water. I begin to panic, and I begin to stop giving out the water. I think to myself, if I give out any more, it will be gone. I should wait for it to fill back up or for a good rain shower. I can’t give away what I don’t have.

This is so clearly how I’m feeling right now, a deep vacant well, an empty bucket and many people asking for water. But, what is God saying in the middle of it all? What is the revelation I need to go with the corresponding level of responsibility?

As I listened, God spoke:
Your perception of the well must change. You are seeing the well as empty, when really, you do not know the depths of the well. The resources you have to go to the depths have only gotten you so far, now you must go deeper for water. In the depths the waters are fresh, cool and life-giving. The well will not run dry. It is not empty, you just have to go deeper.

Take me deeper Lord! I will send my bucket down to those depths. Fill it! Take me to that depth with you!

1 comment:

Manda said...

thank you for this. You've challenged me and given me hope. Blessings as you seek deeper waters.