Sunday, April 04, 2010

Titus and Easter morning!

I turned in the book of Titus yesterday. And while, it didn't find me on my balcony crying my eyes out, there were some great things I got out of the book.

Titus is on the island of Crete (I guess I never really thought too much about that before!) and Paul is asking some big things of appoint elders, to confront the false teachers and to teach. You know, no big deal.

I could really feel for Titus. He had a big task ahead of him, his church members were a little unruly (issues of drunkenness and lack of self-control), and he was young and had to take a stand.

One of the things that struck me, was a statement that Paul makes about rebuking (and normally, I'm not drawn to passages on rebuking!). Titus 1:13 says, "rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith." There were some big issues in the church that needed to be dealt with, and it must have been intimidating for Titus as an outsider to come in and bring correction. But, Paul's heart comes's for their own faith, not for Titus' or Paul's reputation.

Now, I HATE confrontation. I love when things are peaceful and everyone loves one another. But, I also know, that is not always the case. I've also learned in leadership this last year, that often the most loving thing you can do for a person is to confront them, not allow them to continue in their error. I want to keep this motive in mind...that rebuking is for the sake of the faith of the person.


on a separate and unrelated note, we had brunch in our apartment this morning and a time of worship. It was so great to celebrate Easter morning with this group of people. I have been blessed by the people in my school already so much. Here are some photos from that time:

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