Sunday, April 24, 2011

An Unexpected Peace

So, Asia has a LOT of people. And I live in a bustling Asian city. Not only that, but it is a tourist city so on the weekends when the sun is out the streets are packed, the restaurants are full, the traffic is nearly driving over my toes and humanity is EV.RY.WHERE!

A typical street scene on the weekends:

Yesterday I ventured into Taipei to restock some knitting supplies (I know, I'm a nerd) and I had planned to sit in a coffeeshop and work on grading. After looking in 4 different coffee shops and not finding a single table to sit at, I decided I would get on the train, head back towards my city, but get off at another stop and work there. Same thing. No room. People ALL OVER!

By this time, I was crabby. I wanted some space. I wanted people to stop bumping into me. And I wanted my own seat on the train rather than elbowing for my own little plastic handle to hang on to. I arrived back in Dan Shui, went to a coffee shop near the train station and worked my butt off the rest of the evening. I walked home, ready for rest and rejuvenation, when I find there is a crew of workers on a street opposite my house that are repaving the road....ALL.NIGHT.LONG.

Now, normally, I'm pretty extroverted. And after living in Asia for five years, my need for personal space and time has adapted to the culture and I find I'm much more flexible. But, I seemed to just reach my limit. I woke up this morning after finally falling asleep around 4am cuz the trucks got a bit quieter (oh yeah...and they were directing traffic all night with the aid and use of a WHISTLE! gah!) but I was just so tired and wanted to not face masses of humanity. The sun was shining and I really wanted to go for a walk or to the beach but just couldn't handle the crowds. So, I decided to go for a walk but head towards where I knew were some quieter neighborhoods. I walked, and walked and walked and soon enough....this is where I'm at:

Maybe you're thinking, "Wait, there's nothing there" and to that I answer....exactly! I was so overjoyed and had a great time just praying and thanking God for living in Taiwan, remembering what Easter is all about that the death and resurrection of Christ is for these masses of humanity. I walked back home with a smile on my face...and so blessed by the beauty around me:

I'm so thankful that God knows my heart, knows just how to fill me up when I feel so depleted, speaks my love language of beauty and the outdoors! Now I'm ready to spend the evening hanging out with people again!

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