Friday, May 06, 2011

Teaching, teaching and more teaching....

I realized I have a severe lack of photos, especially of myself. Much has been happening and I need to be more intentional to take some photos so I can let people in on a bit of my life. So, hopefully this little update can paint some pictures with my words.

SBS is proving to be a busy and full season of life. Before staff training things started picking up speed, getting my book ready to teach, getting settled in my house and anticipating a pretty busy schedule. Then staff training and then the students arrived and it was full speed ahead. SBS was busy but my responsibilities were limited to one thing: my studies. Now, my responsibilities are many between preparing for teaching, grading students' work, meeting with a small group of girls once a week, meeting one-on-one with students, handing back work and helping answer questions. Then I'm also in charge of the students work duty schedules and also have my hand pretty heavily in the students' visa process which this year is turning out to be quite complicated and time-consuming. I'm also involved with ministry here at our coffee bar once a week.

Last Friday I taught the book of Psalms! :) I struggled with this book a lot during my own school, I think just finding time to meditate and pray, using that portion of scripture as it was originally intended and instead focused on it as an academic exercise. So, my study and prep time really redeemed that book. I fell in love with the Psalms and am amazed at how much of the Character and Nature of God is in that book and it made me fall more in love with God as well.

Earlier last week I also was able to share for an hour on pioneering and the cost of missions during the teaching on the book of Acts. This hour blew me away! The night before I was going over my notes and it just felt dry and insignificant. I was a bit discouraged. That morning the other staff member who was teaching Acts and I sat and prayed and were both saying that we really wanted the students to grasp this book with their hearts and not just their minds. Well, God really moved during that hour and challenged students in areas of their calling to missions and their heart for the lost. I got a lot of feedback from that time and saw the students go out and share the gospel with others in Taiwan. Talk about having the fear of the Lord that day....I can't believe how privileged I am to be able to teach and speak into these young people's lives, to know that God is raising up others to go into the nations and I get to be a part of his plan. a side note, there are a number of students who have a heart for the world and we have been having some good conversations about it. I can see through these connections that it is no accident we are all here together. I'm holding my hands open and have been sensing some things in prayer but will have to keep you posted as to how this unfolds and the details later. :)

This week I also got the opportunity to lead Bible study in the DTS and will do that for two more weeks as well. I'm going through the book of 2 Timothy with them. And on Thursday evenings I work at the coffeeshop that we run here and will be helping lead the advanced English class also. We had an interesting discussion this week in light of OBL's capture and had a very animated and lively discussion on the role of religion in a nation. There are a few Christians in that class but most of the students are Buddhist. Please pray for the friendships and relationships I've been invested in there!

And finally, we had a staff conference this last weekend and a few of our Taiwanese staff were ordained. We also spent a great weekend together just fellowshipping, praying and hearing how things are moving here in this country. As I saw these amazing men and women being prayed over and commissioned out, I was so overcome by how blessed I am to be here and learning from and growing with these amazing people. I am seeing this season is a refining one and one that is going to build into wherever God takes me in the years ahead.

And to let you all know....I found out my other books I'm teaching this year: Exodus (2nd quarter) and Jeremiah (3rd quarter)!!!! I'm SO excited to study and teach both of these books!

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