Sunday, November 20, 2011

In the spirit of the season....

So so so many things to be thankful for. I don't know why it is, but often times, it's easier to sit around and complain about all the things in life that are difficult, kinda suck, don't go the way we want, or are just a bit frustrating. I've been wanting to be more intentional about the way that I speak. I realize that often just to start conversation I'll complain about something....i.e. ugh, it's cold out today. or "man it's been raining a lot lately.""Dang, I'm tired today..." But what does that do? Where does that get any of us? 

 Coming home to MN has been a huge blessing. This trip has been different from many others in that I don't have a lot "to do" scheduled. No support raising (though, I need to do that soon, but felt I was to just relax and God will open up the doors for that at another time). No speaking, and this time, no running around trying to visit everyone I know. I felt this was a time just to BE and relax. Do a few things I love, and mostly just soak up down time with my family. The last few years of family time have surrounded tragic events rather than the mundane. I could use some mundane in my relationships.

Great friendships/Relationships
I've been able to have and maintain some amazing friendships despite the miles and the long periods of time not being able to see people. I was able to make a trip out to Colorado and the sole purpose was just to see good friends. I stayed a few days with my friends Nate and Steph (pictured above) who I served in A-land with. I also saw my cousin and her boyfriend, friends I met in Taiwan, a friend from grad school, other friends I served with in A-land, a friend and supporter I know from my days working at camp in high school, and another friend from Northwestern College (undergrad). I walked away from that week realizing that every season of my life has yielded some incredible friendships and though seasons of life change and we all change with them, we can still stay connected, learn from one another, build one another up and be invested in one another's lives. I'm so blessed by friends no matter where I've gone.

Health and Fitness
(photo taken after the 5k my mom and I did this weekend)

I came out of central asia very out of shape and carrying a lot of carb-filled-diet induced pounds. I still have a little ways to go in getting more healthy but I've been thankful to be able to do things I never thought were running a half marathon last year, regularly exercising and being active. My family is also getting more and more healthy and I'm so thankful because it means we can enjoy life together and we can enjoy our relationships a whole lot longer. (sadly as I write this though, I have fallen miserably behind in my half-marathon training for this current year! Gotta just get out there and run!...10k to come on Thanksgiving Day!)

Beauty in my Upbringing
(photo from Canal Park, Duluth, MN)

Coming home always reminds me of where I came from and what it took to get me to where I am today. I love my homeland of Minnesota and who it contributed to me being. I love my family and in all our ups and downs, tragedies, fights, laughs, failures and successes, it's impacted who I am. I started reading the book of Matthew this last week and was just meditating on the first chapter of Jesus' genealogy (can you tell I'm a Bible student/teacher??! Who meditates on genealogies?!) and the news of Mary's pregnancy to both Joseph and Mary. I'm continually struck by Jesus' humble roots. Yes, he came from a line of kings, but that line was birthed through prostitutes (Rahab), infidelity (David and Bathsheba), deception (Tamar and Judah) and questionable circumstances of parentage (really Mary? pregnant through the Holy Spirit??!). Jesus' primary concern was not how others viewed his family or trying to make a statement of who he was according to the world's values. We talk about the humble king who came on a donkey but the way he came into the world is a great picture of humility as well. God chose this path for his Son. He was not ashamed of it. Neither should we be ashamed of the origins in which God placed us.

more thanks to come....

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