Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Decision making and the will of God

I used this photo elsewhere on my blog but I love it so much it deserved a second chance to shine

Oh my goodness. Life is full of them. And we keep giving ourselves more and more decisions to make. Have you ever been with a group of people trying to decide where to go for dinner together....
"So, where do you guys wanna eat? We could try the new Japanese place, or the pasta restaurant, or if you want mediterranean....." The person pauses to see a response among the others. Then adds, "or we could go get groceries and cook at my house......or ......" Life is full of choices and options.

How do you pick? Some people pick what "they feel like" others agonize over what everyone else would want.

In our generation and especially in the organization I work with, people are all about the short-term commitments and so live in a constant state of decision making and trying to discern "the will of God" for them on a consistent basis. Spend any amount of time with young people, ask them what they need prayer for and probably 75% of the time it's "well, I need clarity for what to do next year." "I'm praying about where I go on outreach." "I need to decide where I'll be after this commitment finishes."

I've had a lot of big decisions to make. I have AGONIZED over them the last few weeks and months. I've been reflecting on some of my major life transitions and realized every time that decision making process is so painful. Not because I hate having options (I love it!), not because I feel like God never speaks or gives direction (He does!) but I realize I wish life was more like a Choose Your Own Adventure book. I wish I could at least "peek" and see how the other choices turn out. My curiosity makes me want to live in 10 directions at once. But after my decision is made, I have to grieve the fact that I will never know "what could have been."

Discerning God's voice and following his will is quite the process as well. My organization has a foundational value in hearing and obeying God's voice. It's something I have done time and time again and you would think you'd get "better" at it....I know I have grown in sensitivity to God's voice. I know I trust him more now than I did in my 20's. But I find I come up against situations more and more now where God gives me options. Just this week I faced two major options and felt God was allowing me to choose.

I would almost feel more comfortable if he said "Do this Danika" and left it at that. Then I wouldn't have to think. I wouldn't have to weigh the implications. I wouldn't have to blame myself if things didn't go well (I could blame God! ha!). And, I probably wouldn't have to pray as long or try to listen as patiently. Seems God enjoys me going through the process with him.

So, the decision is made. And I woke up this morning with a panic thinking "oh my goodness. Did I just make the wrong choice????!!!" After a good cup of coffee though and some time in prayer, peace settled once again. And I move forward, because in life we can't go back. But I do so wish I could flip a few pages over just to SEE how things might have been.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Love the "Choose Your Own Adventure" references! Right?! Praying and trusting, knowing He gives the peace, and is faithful to direct your steps. xoxox