Tuesday, January 02, 2007

just random stuff: a pseudo Christmas update letter

Happy New Year everyone!!!

I wanted to let you all know (for those of you who actually do look at my blog!) my plans for the weeks and months ahead. I'll be in Minnesota through January 14 and speaking at Biwabik Covenant Church on January 7. Then I'll be flying out to CA to stay with some friends and mentors of mine. Super "stoked" about that! From CA, I'll leave for good ol' home-away-from-home in C. Asia. I'll be there until this summer when I'll be coming back to the States and starting grad school in the fall. Some people have asked what I'll be doing at grad school and if it relates to what I'm doing now. I'm planning on attending Wheaton College and going through their Intercultural Studies program and I'll focus on leadership development in cross-cultural contexts. And for those of you who know what I'm up to lately, it definitely relates to my job. I'm planning, as of this moment but God has the right to change my plans at any time, to return overseas after the one and a half year program.

Everyone's also been asking how Christmas was with me and my family. I'm happy to say that it was quite nice. We really enjoyed being together (it's been 5 or 6 years since we were all together for the holidays). We had our sad moments and shed a few tears but all-in-all the focus was really on enjoying our time together. It was really great to be with my family even though the events that brought me home were nothing I would have wished to bring me home. For those who know my family, here's a brief update on what everyone is doing: my mom just finished her exams and is officially a Ph.D. candidate. Go Mom!! We're all super proud of her. she's put a lot of work into going back to school and she took her exams just a few weeks after the funeral. She's amazing. Her husband, Mike, is currently not working due to an injury to his shoulder but he still putzes in the garage and pretty much dishes out a hard time to all us kids...all in good fun. What would our family be without sarcasm? Mike definitely fits in! William is back at school and working on cars and practicing his guitar. He really, really wants to learn drums and begs Mom and Mike for a drum set all the time. Jeremy is living in Minnesota and working as a DJ and at a convenience store. He also is part of a Christian metal band called Servanthood but is really passionate about writing his own music as well. His guitar skills put me to shame.

I'll be sending out a newsletter (minus all the above details so it will actually be interesting!!) so if you are not sure if you're on my mailing list and would like to get one, please let me know. And I'll be posting some Christmas pics in the days ahead.

Happy 2007!!! I can't believe it's already here. Time flies. I've been spending this time with friends and family, meeting spouses that I haven't met yet, seeing children that I haven't seen yet. I'm beginning to realize I actually am in my late 20's (27th birthday in a month!!). Some friends and I were talking that we used to babysit for people who were our age at the time. weird.

But, may this year be one of passion for Jesus, friends and family, and full or surprises and joy. That's what I'm hoping for this year!


Manda said...

what time on Saturday the 6th?

Danika said...

on 10 am...and it's Sunday the 7th. ooops. I'll have to change that on my blog!