Friday, May 25, 2007

The Promised Land

I spent this last week in a different city in the northern part of the country. We are establishing a relationship there for further work there in the future, one of whom will be yours truly! I hope to move to this city after my time studying in America. There's much involved in this vision that I hope to communicate more of when I'm back in the country. So, for now, I'll just say it was a successful trip and we really enjoyed our time there. It's beautiful, full of trees and surrounded by hills. It is quite the change from the hot, dry desert platte that I live on now! Here are some pictures:

This last picture is of some of the nomadic tribes that live on the way to this city. It's incredible. They live in these tents made of sheepskin and when they need to move they pack everything up on the back of their camels and move on. When I see these I think if the journey that Abram and Sarai (before God renamed them Abraham and Sarah) made when they moved their family from Ur to the promised land. I would love to spend a month or two just traveling with these tribes. Their lives are so intriguing.

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