Saturday, June 11, 2011

A little randomness from my side of the ocean

I've realized my blog has been sorely neglected.
Not so much that I've forgotten about it, but more that life has settled into a bit of a routine and once "adventurous overseas life" becomes "normal daily life" one forgets to take photos and document the extraordinary that is present in the ordinary day.

So, a few photos to keep you connected with life here:
Most of my life is still pretty much involved with studying the Bible and spending time with this photo I am doing both. We had a pretty intense religious festival where I live so some of us hopped on the train and went into the city (where firecrackers are banned!) and had a quiet study day at Starbucks. I'm working on preparing to teach the book of Exodus the end of July.

I've had a few random adventures around the city of Taipei with friends including a sleepover at a Taiwanese friend's house before she moves to America. It was a fantastic evening of great fellowship and at church the next day we were all prayed over by the pastors. It was a huge blessing to have a Taiwanese pastor blessing me and my journey which has led me here to Taiwan for this season. So encouraging!

I continue to find random things here that make me smile from the crazy English phrases, dogs shaved in funky ways or riding on motos in various ways, or old men doing "exercises" up at the track by slapping themselves on the belly. I've grown to love Taiwan more and more and the daily parts of life usually put a smile on my face. And as hard as they try at English, I'm definitely feeling a push to put more effort into some basic conversational Chinese...hopefully next quarter.

And as always there are food adventures to be had and new things to try! Some new samplings this month is that I've gotten more bold with seafood, I've found out I really enjoy the coconut-pineapple jelly bits they put in the bottom of the drinks here, sampled some marinated squid and am continually trying new drinks at the tea shop. I'm looking forward to more adventures when my dad and grandma arrive in just TWO DAYS!

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