Sunday, March 18, 2007

Korean teams and local men

This last week we've had a short-term team with us from Korea. I have to admit my view of short-term work has changed a bit as I've experienced it from the long-term side. It's a lot of work to host a team and there have been some good experiences and some bad. It's never good to have a team come and then have to do "clean up" work after they leave either literally or relationship-wise. I could probably express a lot of opinions on this subject, although this is not the object of the post. The point I AM making is that this team was a great blessing for us. They led some amazing worship times (if you have not prayed with a group of Koreans, you are missing out on an incredible blessing!!!) and shared with some of the locals in our mini d-school. Last night they threw a party for our team and cooked some amazing Korean food and totally blessed us. So, the pictures above are the team visiting us, the second is our team and the Korean team. The third picture is me and the kids of a family of mine on our team. They moved into my new house with me.

Tomorrow I'm heading out to a village that we made shelves and tables and chairs for and we're putting a library in their school. I've been realizing something incredibly hilarious. Before I left to come here God spoke to me that I would train both women AND men. I kept this in my heart because I thought it was an impossibility. And I wasn't sure if that was from God, or from me. Well, I would say 80% of my work here has been training men. Between the schools, my office workers and now the mini seminar we are doing, I am working with men more than women. Tomorrow I'm off to spend yet another day with men: my office workers, a government official and the staff of this school, all men. Hilarious....I fought it for so long and yet God seemed to have led me right into this work.

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