Saturday, March 31, 2007

Not much...but SO much!

Some days I don't know how I can cram so much of life into a 24 hour time space. This week I had 12 hour work days. 12 hour work days in America are draining, let alone here. Although, 4 of those hours involved a language learning seminar this week that was so good. It kicked me in the butt to be continuing language learning. After studying language for 10 months straight 5 hours a day, 2.5 hours a week...I just got so tired. But, my language plateaued after that as well.

I was missing my brother so much this week. Nothing happened particularly that made me miss him. I just felt like he was further away this week. I know you can't get much further away than death but sometimes it seems he's closer than others. It's so hard when every person I meet asks me how many brothers and sisters I have. I still say three...because I do. One just doesn't live here on earth any more. But, it still sends a little stab of pain through my heart.

I don't have a whole lot to say...mostly because I have too much to say today. My mind is swimming with responsibilities and plans and things happening. I feel as if I were to write down all I have on my mind, people would definitely stop reading this blog. So, all that to say, I need prayer for what is going on around me today and what is coming up in the days ahead. We have guests and a mini-d-school and I am doing a week of teacher training here in town. On top of that are meetings and leading the team and house issues and daily life and language. I'm also in need of a new language teacher. Please pray that I would find a person that can meet with me.

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